Want to Start Your own company?

         How to start a company

Hello we are  going to talk about how we can start our company whenever the thought of start
comes to mind, then we feel that we should have a lot of money to startup,
we think for start a company like  Tata ,Birla , Ambani . But we think that this is a long process and
it requires a lot of money. To begin this, if we think of opening our company in India then
there are some rules which are a very simple process. The Indian government has made
it even easier, it has three main processes.

1. Idea

First of all, you should have some idea and know what type of company
you want to open, Ideally there are two types of Idea
-> Traditional idea     ->Monopoly idea

What is traditional idea

Basically old business are call traditional like if you want to open a car company but this is not a unique
idea many car companies running in market but you can also start your car company this cateogry
start-up are called traditional idea.

What is monopoly idea

Basically monopoly ideas are those new idea that are not running already in market like traditional
This type of ideas totally new or unique this idea may be technical idea or a service based company
idea this type of unique idea called monopoly ideas.

Traditional V/S Monopoly

In above heading you are familiare with what is traditional and what is monopoly idea.
So the basic and main difference between traditional and monopoly you can also say
unique there is no compitition in the field of monopoly it is a plus point for you and save
you to survive from compition so choose monopoly idea for your own start-up..

Document work and Registration for your compamy
In india if you want to start your own company you have to face some Government policy like
registration process in india for documentation and registeration www.mca.gov.in this website
stand for Ministry of Corporate Affairs here you have to upload your business detail and start the
process of registeration of your company.

3. Funding
Basiclly funding is play a important role in any start-up without funding yes you can survive
but for a little time not long so arrange funding is most imporatant for your own start-up.
Here some way to arrange funding areā€¦

(i) family , friends or relative -> in this type of funding if you convence your friend or relative and
your family to invest into your idea that will be easy and safe for you in this your do not have to deal
with profit ,intrest, share ,or liblities. In this type of funding you can borrow money without these
process and it is best for anyone who want to start own company.

(i) Croud funding -> In this funding you have to submit your idea and strategy you can upload
here www.wishberry.com , www.ketto.com , www.indiegogo.com  many investor check your plan
and of anyone intrested in your plan then they try to connect with you through same sites.

(i) Angel investment -> Angel invester are those invester who have lots of money from their previous
start-up and they have intrested into investing in small start-up or growing business for raise their profit.
Angel investing is the one of the best choice for funding.they help you a lot in your business and demand
for some share or liblity in your company.

(i) Venture capital fund -> When your company grow at a limit and for further we need big funding
or investment  so venture capital fund mainly for start-up in this lots of people who have money
put thier money into a company named Venture Capital it helps new start-up and demand for small
amount or share in your company.

(i) Bank loan -> Government policy are always good but it have also some problems if you want
bank loan then you have to share your idea and bank demand for share or intrest.


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